PHP Chess Server

PHP Chess Server is an asynchronous PHP server that provides chess services over a WebSocket connection.

Port Service Name Description
9443 data JSON-formatted data
8443 game Chess functionality
7443 binary Binary data
6443 auth Authentication functionality


Clone the chesslablab/chess-server repo into your projects folder. Then cd the chess-server directory and create an .env file:

cp .env.example .env

Create empty log files for each service.

touch storage/data.log
touch storage/game.log
touch storage/binary.log
touch storage/auth.log

Make sure to read the SSL Certificate Setup section. Install the fullchain.pem and privkey.pem files in the ssl folder, and run the Docker container in detached mode in the background:

docker compose -f docker-compose.workerman.yml up -d

Finally, if you are running the chess server in a local development environment along with the website, you may want to add a domain name entry to your /etc/hosts file as per the WEBSOCKET_SERVER variable defined in the assets/env.example.js file.



The socket, the chess commands, the game modes and the asynchronous tasks are all implemented using OOP principles.


The flexible architecture of PHP Chess Server allows support for multiple async PHP frameworks, with the default one being Workerman.

  • Workerman
  • Ratchet

The Spatie async library providing a wrapper around PHP's PCNTL extension is used in order for asynchronous commands to not block the event loop.